
Түргэн хоол, кафе, рестораны үзэсгэлэн 2025

Түргэн хоол, кафе, рестораны үзэсгэлэн
From January 29, 2025 until January 30, 2025
Стокгольм - Кистамассан AB, Стокгольм муж, Швед
(Оролцохоосоо өмнө доорх албан ёсны сайтаас огноо, байршлыг дахин шалгана уу.)

Стокгольм дахь түргэн хоол, кафе, рестораны үзэсгэлэн

STOCKHOLM, 29-30 JAN. 2025. A UNBEATABLE ATMOSPHERE. Smoking villages in Buenos Aires. Pizza Champion Cup 2024. BE THE FIRST TO KNOW. WE ARE A SMARTER EVENT.

See you in 2020!Ffcr is returning in JanuaryFFCR is Sweden’s largest HORECA fair. You can find inspiration, news, new opportunities, and unexpected meetings. Over 250 exhibitors will be present, from the leading suppliers to local startups. We will meet again in Stockholm on 29-30 January, or Gothenburg 18-19 September.COLLECT YOUR ENTRANCE BLANKETA UNBEATABLE ATMOSPHEREEnjoy the crowd of people gathered under one roof. You will be among the first to know about this year's product and trend news.The Program of the YearVISITORS?Start the year with a fair visit to see, hear, feel, and taste.Why Visit?EXHIBITOR?Join the leading industry meeting place in the Nordic regionWhy exhibit?CurrentLos AngelesWhen we eat more, and less meals, the boundaries between breakfast, noon and dinner are loosened. Buenos Aires residents are known not only for eating late at night, but also for snacking a lot. They eat four meals on average every day.Continue reading "Smoking villages in Buenos AiresWhen we eat more, and less meals, the boundaries between breakfast, noon and dinner are loosened. Buenos Aires residents are known not only for eating late at night, but also for consuming four meals on average per day.Continue reading ".

Үзсэн: 5735

Тасалбар эсвэл лангуунд бүртгүүлнэ үү

Fastfood, Cafe & Restaurant Expo-ийн албан ёсны вэбсайтад бүртгүүлнэ үү

Байрны газрын зураг, эргэн тойрон дахь зочид буудлууд

Стокгольм - Кистамассан AB, Стокгольм муж, Швед Стокгольм - Кистамассан AB, Стокгольм муж, Швед


Барри Абдул Карим
Оролцоо au salon de la restauration rapide, des cafés et des restaurant 2024
Бонжур хатагтай /монсьер je suis intéressé par votre annonce je voudrais participer or au salon

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