
Олон улсын байгаль орчны технологийн долоо хоног Хятад 2024

Байгаль орчны технологийн олон улсын Хятад дахь долоо хоног
From June 03, 2024 until June 05, 2024
Шанхай - Үндэсний хурал, үзэсгэлэнгийн төв, Шанхай, Хятад
+86 ?? 21? 33231300; +86 21 61157173
(Оролцохоосоо өмнө доорх албан ёсны сайтаас огноо, байршлыг дахин шалгана уу.)

IE expo China 2024 (18-20) | Байгаль орчны технологийн шийдлүүдийн Азийн тэргүүлэгч үзэсгэлэн: Ус, хог хаягдал, агаар, хөрс

Facts and figures about the 2018 IE expo China

The facts about the 2018 IE expo China are encouraging: the Asia's largest trade fair for environmental technologies will take place from May 3 to 5, 2018 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

The number of exhibitors has increased by about 10% over the last event. Among the key players in China are Aerospace Kaitian Environmental Technology (AKA), Harden Machinery (HARDEN), Poten Environment Group (POTEN), Shanghai Aojoa Ecology and Environment Technology and Teijin Investment. International companies also take advantage of the IE expo China as a way to enter the Asian environment market. These include Linde Group and Suez.

International pavilions: 14 countries and Regions.

A clear increase in the number Chinese exhibitors (+9 percent, to approximately 1,380) is also noticeable. The number of international booths is also on the rise. In 2017, there were nine international exhibitors who displayed their products at international pavilions. Now, the number is 14. Denmark, France Germany, Hong Kong Italy, Japan, The Canadian Provinces of Alberta and Ontario Switzerland, Scandinavia (Nordic), South Korea, Russia Taiwan, the US, and Switzerland all benefit from a centralised organisation.

This year's event set a new record for space with 120,000 square metres. The Shanghai fairground is also hosting CAPE, International Air Purification Industry Expo.

Үзсэн: 15727

Тасалбар эсвэл лангуунд бүртгүүлнэ үү

Week for International Environmental Technologies China албан ёсны вэбсайтад бүртгүүлнэ үү

Байрны газрын зураг, эргэн тойрон дахь зочид буудлууд

Шанхай - Үндэсний хурал, үзэсгэлэнгийн төв, Шанхай, Хятад Шанхай - Үндэсний хурал, үзэсгэлэнгийн төв, Шанхай, Хятад


800 Үлдсэн тэмдэгтүүд