

From May 28, 2024 until May 30, 2024
Дубай - Дубайн Дэлхийн худалдааны төв, Дубай, АНЭУ
+971 4 445 3648; +971 4 445 3754
(Оролцохоосоо өмнө доорх албан ёсны сайтаас огноо, байршлыг дахин шалгана уу.)

INDEX Дубай | 4 оны 6-р сарын 2024-XNUMX | Олон улсын дотоод засал чимэглэлийн үзэсгэлэн

Be a part of something special. A global meeting hub for the interior and fit-out industry in Dubai. Global hub for interior design excellence. The perfect communityQuality, quantity and variety. Furniture and components. ACCESSORIES AND DECOR. TEXTILES & FURNISHINGS. Lighting and Home Automation. DESIGN & FIT OUT. ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE. FLOORING AND SURFACES.

ДУБАЙ ДЭЛХИЙН ХУДАЛДААНЫ ТӨВ, ДУБАЙ (АНЭУ), 4 оны 6-р сарын 2024-10-нд ӨДӨРТ 00:18 - 00:XNUMX.

INDEX is a meeting place for interior design professionals. It showcases the thriving innovation and investment in Dubai, as well as the design, growth, and design.

INDEX is a global interior design and fitting-out hub that has been around for over 30 years. Buyers can meet global brands and suppliers of furniture, flooring and lighting, textiles, and other products. In addition to the trade show, we offer inspiring award ceremonies, innovative conference, and inspiring features. All of this is available in one location for you to discover, learn, network, and find something new. Visit us to get a broader perspective.

Find out about new business opportunities by contacting industry leaders.We are a meeting place for industry professionals, bringing together a wide range of global brands to demonstrate the latest innovations in interior design and architectural technology. Check out the influential companies that will be attending the event. They are ready to network and explore new business opportunities.

Үзсэн: 30280

Тасалбар эсвэл лангуунд бүртгүүлнэ үү

INDEX-ийн албан ёсны вэбсайтад бүртгүүлнэ үү

Байрны газрын зураг, эргэн тойрон дахь зочид буудлууд

Дубай - Дубайн Дэлхийн худалдааны төв, Дубай, АНЭУ Дубай - Дубайн Дэлхийн худалдааны төв, Дубай, АНЭУ


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800 Үлдсэн тэмдэгтүүд