
SIMA Expo 2024

From May 22, 2024 until May 25, 2024
Мадрид - IFEMA - Фериа де Мадрид, Мадридын нийгэмлэг, Испани
+34 91 781 42 14; +34 91 781 83 78
(Оролцохоосоо өмнө доорх албан ёсны сайтаас огноо, байршлыг дахин шалгана уу.)

SIMA гэж юу вэ? - SIMAEXPO

SIMA-д оролцогч компаниудын жагсаалт

What is SIMA?SIMA is the largest real estate event on the Spanish market. It targets individuals, businesses, and professionals from both the national and international markets.The SIMA Real Estate Week, a reflection on the Spanish real estate market, will begin at IFEMA MADRID in May 2024. It will include 4 events, which will strengthen the synergies among the various real estate players, and offer a global picture of a sector that is becoming increasingly complex and diversified.SIMA (May 22, 25 and 26, 2024).The SALON DEL INVERSOR INMOBILIARIO (2024, May 22-25) is a response for the increasing interest of savers, investors, and specifiers in real estate.SIMAPRO is a forum for leaders, public and private, from the national and international real estate value chains to exchange knowledge and find new business opportunities.The PROPTECH EXPO will be held in Madrid from May 22-24, 2024, a space that is exclusively dedicated to the disruptive sub-sector of the real estate industry, making Madrid the European Capital of Technology.The ASPRIMA-SIMA Awards will also be presented during that same week. These awards are the benchmark for the public recognition of best real estate initiatives.Exposure sectorsReal estate developersCo-operative managersMarketers and consultantsConstruction companiesFinancial InstitutionsPublic AdministrationsValuersArchitectural studiosEngineeringProject ManagementInsurersInterior design, decorationTechnology and CommunicationsReal estate portalsMediaProfessional associationsVisitor profileSIMA is an event that is dynamic and multi-faceted, and will demonstrate to all of its visitors and the general public, the reality and importance of a modern, innovative, and consolidated sector which creates jobs and is the key to our economic system.Private buyers and investors are non-professionals who are interested in the real estate markets for various reasons.You are looking for a home in Madrid, or nearby areas as a replacement or first property.You are looking for a vacation home in Spain or another country.You can invest in real estate in Spain and other countries.Prescribers.Real estate investors and professionals in Spain and other international marketsReal estate professionals (developers, agents, consultants, financial institutions and auxil.

Үзсэн: 31771

Тасалбар эсвэл лангуунд бүртгүүлнэ үү

SIMA Expo-гийн албан ёсны вэбсайтад бүртгүүлнэ үү

Байрны газрын зураг, эргэн тойрон дахь зочид буудлууд

Мадрид - IFEMA - Фериа де Мадрид, Мадридын нийгэмлэг, Испани Мадрид - IFEMA - Фериа де Мадрид, Мадридын нийгэмлэг, Испани


Хамгийн сүүлд 16.11.2023 23:03 Зочин бичсэн
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