
Expo Plasticos 2024

Экспо хуванцар
From November 05, 2024 until November 07, 2024
Guadalajara - Expo Guadalajara, Жалиско, Мексик
(Оролцохоосоо өмнө доорх албан ёсны сайтаас огноо, байршлыг дахин шалгана уу.)

Expo Plasticos 2024

Expo Guadalajara GDL, JAL Mexico, November 5, 2024. EXHIBITION PLANNING. Contact a consultant. Here's how it was donePlastics Expo 2023! AIMPLAS analyses the quality of recycled materials for the automotive industry. CR4-5 pallets made in Germany are durable and sustainable. The EU adopts stricter rules on plastic pellets. The exhibition.


Expo Plasticos 2024, the business forum, aims to promote the development of an efficient and strong supply chain. It is the place to find the latest machinery, technologies and solutions that can improve productivity, processes, and profitability for manufacturing companies. plastic.

Minors are not allowed to enter. Access is only for those over 18 years of age. 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.

AIMPLAS has launched the SURFTOP Project to facilitate the use of recyclable materials in the automobile industry. The project is funded by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation IVACE+i and FEDER funds.

Durability, sustainability and respect for the environment are all new regulations that apply to (intra-)logistics related processes, such as production, transport, storage and cargo carriers.

The European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety adopted a proposal to include in the definition of plastics pellets powders, cylinders, bead and flakes.

Экспо Пластикос улам бүр хөгжиж, улс даяар аж үйлдвэрийн хамгийн өндөр өсөлттэй бүс нутгуудад шинэ бизнес эрхлэх, ханган нийлүүлэх, шинэ зах зээлд нэвтрэх, бизнесийн бодит боломжийг бий болгох ГАЗАР болж байна.

Үзсэн: 9697

Тасалбар эсвэл лангуунд бүртгүүлнэ үү

Expo Plasticos-ийн албан ёсны вэбсайтад бүртгүүлнэ үү

Байрны газрын зураг, эргэн тойрон дахь зочид буудлууд

Guadalajara - Expo Guadalajara, Жалиско, Мексик Guadalajara - Expo Guadalajara, Жалиско, Мексик


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