
Агуулга Экспо Токио 2024

Агуулга Экспо Токио
From July 03, 2024 until July 05, 2024
Кото - Токиогийн том харагдац, Токио, Япон
(Оролцохоосоо өмнө доорх албан ёсны сайтаас огноо, байршлыг дахин шалгана уу.)

IDM 最大 の コ ン テ ン ツ ビ ジ ネ ス 総 合 展 | コ ン テ ン ツ 東京

Organisations collaborating with this exhibition

Content production, video/CG production, advertising design, branding, rights, IT, cutting-edge digital technology, etc. The exhibition will feature a wide range of digital technologies and services, including: IT, cutting-edge digital technology, branding, video/CG productions, advertising design and rights.There are lively negotiations and people from the corporate marketing, advertising, and media departments, as well as those in the entertainment and media industries, attend.Exhibit to expand your business.Results for December 2023 >>

Many people from different departments attended this exhibition, including those in advertising, public relations and marketing, as well as human resources. You can find companies who are interested in introducing it.

The exhibition takes place every half-year!Exposures at both events will be increased, and this can help build your brand.

This exhibition will feature products and services related with content usage!Compare products and services efficiently and effectively by listening to the explanations and experiencing them yourself.

You can also ask questions or get estimates on the spot. On the spot, you can ask any questions or get an estimate.


Visitor InformationSearch for Exhibitor/Exhibitor Products (December 2023) BRANDING+The latest expression technology from KoreaAccess to the venueKnowledge of the licensing business is essential.

Үзсэн: 6999

Тасалбар эсвэл лангуунд бүртгүүлнэ үү

Контент Экспо Токиогийн албан ёсны вэбсайтад бүртгүүлнэ үү

Байрны газрын зураг, эргэн тойрон дахь зочид буудлууд

Кото - Токиогийн том харагдац, Токио, Япон Кото - Токиогийн том харагдац, Токио, Япон


800 Үлдсэн тэмдэгтүүд