Зөвшөөрч байна Токиогийн долоо хоног

Зөвшөөрч байна Токиогийн долоо хоног

From October 09, 2024 until October 11, 2024

Чиба хотод - Японы Чиба муж, Макухари Мэссе

Canton Fair Net нийтэлсэн

[имэйлээр хамгаалагдсан]


J AGRI (хуучнаар AGRI WEEK)

Asia's Leading Agriculture and Livestock Expo. The "AGRI WEEK", formerly known as"J AGRI" J AGRIJapan Agri Innovation. Asia's Leading Agriculture and Livestock Expo. Five Show-inShows, based on the product categories. Social Media is a great way to stay up-to-date on J AGRI! The Show Schedule for Next Year(tentative). Media Partners (2023). Official Korean Blog. J AGRI is organized by RX Japan Ltd., Japan's largest exhibition organizer.

Бид шоуны өсөлтийг харуулах үүднээс нэрийг нь өөрчилсөн. Бид Япон болон Азийн хөдөө аж ахуйн тогтвортой зах зээлийг хөгжүүлэхэд хувь нэмрээ оруулахыг зорьж байна. Бидний алсын хараа бол хөдөө аж ахуйн салбарт оролцож буй хүн бүр ашиг хүртэх болно.

J AGRI covers all agricultural and livestock technologies & materials! The show will feature agricultural drones, smart farming technology, agricultural machinery, livestock farming products, etc. All of these products will be displayed at the same time. Professionals from the industry, including agriculture cooperatives and corporations, importers, distributers, new entrants to the industry, will attend the show. The exhibition takes place twice a year in Makuhari Messe and Grandmesse Kumamoto, May.

Find out more about J AGRI, including previous shows.

Learn about the advantages of exhibiting as well as floor plans, costs, etc.

Visitor badges are available to view exhibit highlights, venue and access.

Updated 2024/03/27 Highlights! Smart Agriculture & Agricultural Digital Transformation.