Өндөр төгсгөл

Өндөр төгсгөл

From May 09, 2024 until May 12, 2024

Мюнхенд - ӨМ, Бавари, Герман



ӨНДӨР ТӨГСГӨЛ Мюнхен - ӨНДӨР Төгсгөлийн нийгэмлэг

Дэлхийн тэргүүлэгч аудио шоу. High End 2024 - Бид таныг хүчирхэг түншүүдтэйгээ уулзахыг тэсэн ядан хүлээж байна. Манай Youtube суваг илүү олон видеотой.

The HIGH END is the world's most prestigious audio show. It sets the standard for high-quality music reproduction. Since its inception, it has provided ideas and inspiration to producers, sellers and buyers of high-quality consumer electronic products. The four-day event brings together audio professionals and experts from all over the world to Munich. They will visit exhibitors in the MOC centre, who are showcasing their latest innovations.

We celebrate the diversity of high quality music reproduction at HIGH END 2024 with the claim, "Diversity in Audio", highlighting the unique range presented year after year at the international audio event. From 9th to the 12th of May, 2024, discover and experience the various facets of audio technology.