BIOFACH Саудын Араб

BIOFACH Саудын Араб

From November 11, 2024 until November 13, 2024

Эр-Рияд - Арена Рияд үзэсгэлэнгийн газар, Эр-Рияд муж, Саудын Араб

Canton Fair Net нийтэлсэн

[имэйлээр хамгаалагдсан]

عن المعرض السعودي للمنتجات الحلال

Overview ofHalal Exhibition 2024. Halal Exhibition 2024. Get live feedback about your business. Create new sales opportunities by communicating with new customers. A direct communication with customers. Highlights of the Halal Expo 2022.

Халал бүтээгдэхүүний хамгийн том үзэсгэлэн Ойрхи Дорнод, Хойд Африк, Хойд Африкт болно.

Unified platform to highlight the latest developments on the global halal markets and challenges faced by the halal industries, such as classifications, standards, and compliance. It is also a good opportunity to highlight the latest innovations and research in the halal sector.The most prominent international and local companies will be able to take advantage of opportunities that go beyond halal. These include halal food, medicine, medical devices and finance. Other areas covered are modest fashion, personal hygiene, cosmetics and environmentally friendly technologies.The focus of the exhibition is to support the most prominent international and local companies in their search for innovative and sustainability initiatives that will enhance the growth of the halal economic system.The event is not limited to the MENA area, but also supported internationally by the participation of international pavilions, ranging anywhere from government agencies to trade committees, from industry experts to leaders in the industry.

Saudi International Halal Products Exhibition offers an opportunity to find out what your target market wants and does not want.The exhibition is the perfect environment to test how visitors and participants react to any changes or updates that you plan to make to your halal enterprise.