
Ануга Бразилыг сонгох дараагийн хэвлэлтийн огноог шинэчилсэн

From April 08, 2025 until April 10, 2025
At Avenida Olavo Fontoura 23-23, Сантана, Сан Пауло, 02012-020 Ангиллууд: Хүнс ба Ундаа

- Ануга Бразилыг сонго

Манай сайтад тавтай морил! Манай вэбсайт дээрх шилдэг контент болон хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн шинэчлэлтүүдийг олж мэдээрэй. 10:00 - 7:00 Анхембийн дүүрэг, SP. Аль хэдийн үзэсгэлэнд оролцогч болсон уу? Худалдааны гарын авлага. Atmosfera Organica By Organis. Аялал ба байр. Аялал, байр. Нэгдүгээр зэрэглэлийн яргачдын 2-р цех. Хөршийн супермаркетуудын үндэсний 3-р конгресс

It's the second time that we have participated in the fair. The fair was a pleasant surprise last year because Sindal and we are both market partners. It was a great experience to be a part of ANUFOOD Brazil. I've noticed a huge growth between last year and now. The audience has grown significantly. It was worth it to be present. We're making great deals. We'll definitely be back together in the next edition.".

ANUFOOD was a wonderful experience and will be repeated again next year. Not only from us as a co-op, but also from feedback from our partners. This is a strategic event, where we can exchange contacts with many people from different parts of the supply chain for our Baru nut product, which was exclusively represented by us. The Baru nut was well received and in high demand. The opportunity to discuss sales strategies and showcase a product that was previously unknown was unique. "We hope that it will lead to great future business as we made a lot of contacts which will ensure income generation for the extractivists and the preservation of the Cerrado.".

ANUFOOD gives us the confidence that we will find what we are looking for. The fair is unique in that it brings together a variety of products and cultures from around the world. "We can network and close many deals at the event.".